
Dr. Pavel Rostinsky, PhD.

Researcher at Department of Environmental Geography, Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. His research specialization is geomorphology (morpho-structural analysis, neotectonics, sedimentology, anthropogenous impact) and geography of natural hazards (slope deformations, flood landforms) used in environmental protection and risk)

Role in the project
Determination and assessment of regional Quaternary neotectonic features, fluvial landforms and slope processes aiming at definition of main evolutionary stages of the study area. Field geomorphological survey and GIS analysis will be applied.

Department of Environmental Geography, Institute of Geonics AS CR, v.v.i.

602 00 Brno, Drobneho 28, Czech Republic
tel: +420 545422726

Related recent publications:

Rostinsky, P., Pospisil, L., Svabensky, O., 2013. Recent geodynamic and geomorphological analyses of the Diendorf–Cebin Tectonic Zone, Czech Republic. Tectonophysics, 599, 45–66. ISSN 0040-1951.

Pospisil, L., Rostinsky, P., Svabensky, O., Weigel, J., Witiska, M., 2012. Active tectonics in the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif – based on the geophysical, geomorphological and GPS data. Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, 9 (3), 315–329. ISSN 1214-9705.

Rostinsky, P., Roetzel, R., 2005. Exhumed Cenozoic landforms on the SE flank of the Bohemian Massif in the Czech Republic and Austria. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 49 (1), 23–45 ISBN 0372-8854/05/0023.

Dr. hab. Jacek Szmanda (Ph.D., D.Sc.)

Associate Professor at Institute Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow. His research areas is fluvial geomorphology (mainly Vistula and Danube), sedimentology of overbank deposits and geoecology.

Role in the project
Sedimentological study of fluvial deposits based on lithofacial analyses and lithodynamic interpretation of grain size composition of alluvia.


Institute Geography, Depatment of Physical Geography, Pedagogical University of Cracow

30-084 Krakow, Podchorążych 2, Poland
tel: +48 12 662 60 14

Related recent publications:

Lehotský M., Frandofer M., Novotný J., Rusnák M., Szmańda J.B., 2013. Geomorphic/Sedimentary Responses of Rivers to Floods: Case Studies from Slovakia, [w.] Lo´czy D. (ed.), Geomorphological impacts of extreme weather: Case studies from central and eastern Europe, Springer Geography: 37-52.

Chruścińska A., Gierszewski P., Kijek N., Kordowski J., Przegietka K., Szmańda J., 2012. Luminescence age of Vistula River overbank deposits in western part of Warsaw Basin, Mineralogia, 39, Specjal Paper: 100-102.

Szmańda J.B., 2011. Zapis sedymentacji w uziarnieniu aluwiów pozakorytowych (Record of depositional conditions in grain size composition of overbank deposits), Landform Analysis, 18: 1-97.

Lehotský M., Novotný J, Szmańda J.B., Grešková A., 2010. A suburban inter-dike river reach of a large river: Modern morphological and sedimentary changes (the Bratislava reach of the Danube River, Slovakia), Geomorphology, 117, 3-4: 298-308.

Lehotský, Szmańda J.B., Novotný J., 2010. Response of the Danube River Floodplain to Flood Events During 2002-2007 Period, Quastiones Geographicae, 29, 3: 37-45.

Szmańda J.B., 2010. Litodynamiczna interpretacja środowiska fluwialnego na podstawie wskaźników uziarnienia – przegląd wybranych metod, (Lithodynamic interpretation of fluvial environment based on grain size composition’s parameters – review of selected methods.), Landform Analysis, 12: 109-125.

Szmańda J.B., Luc M., 2010. Układ wielokorytowy Dunaju pomiędzy Ćunovem a Gabćíkovem – analiza przestrzenna na podstawie klasyfikacji rzek według Brice’a, (Danube river multichannel pattern between Ćunovo and Gabćíkovo– spatial analysis based on river classification after Brice), Landform Analysis, 13: 129-133.

Lehotský M., Novotný J., Szmańda J., 2009, Flooding and Geomorphic of Modern Floodplain – Case Study of the Danube River Downstream of Devínska Gate, Rev. Roum. Géogr./Rom. Journ. Geogr., 53, 1, Bucureşti: 81–90.

Kalicki T., Szmańda J.B., 2009, Litologia, wiek i geneza mad wiślanych w Kotlinie Sandomierskiej i Kotlinie Toruńskiej, (Lithology, age and genesis of the Vistula river madas in Sandomierz and Toruń Basins), [in:] Kostrzewski A., Paluszkiewicz R. (ed.), Geneza, litologia i stratygrafia utworów czwartorzędowych, 5, Ser. Georg., no. 88: 165-186.

Szmańda J.B., 2009. Próba interpretacji litodynamicznej warunków sedymentacji litofacji aluwiów pozakorytowych Dunaju w Bratysławie (Słowacja), (An attempt at lithodynamic interpretation of Danube river overbank alluvia lithofacies depositional condition in Bratislava (Slovakia)), [in:] Kostrzewski A., Paluszkiewicz R. (ed.), Geneza, litologia i stratygrafia utworów czwartorzędowych vol. 5, Ser. Geogr. no. 88: 535-554.

Szmańda J. B., Lehotský M., Novotný J, 2008,. Sedimental record of flood events from years 2002 and 2007 in the Danube river overbank deposits in Bratislava. Moravian Geographical Reports, 16, 4: 2-8.

Bielecka E., Szmańda J.B., Luc M., 2007. Próba oceny zróżnicowania pokrycia terenu w oparciu o kompleksową analizę wielowskaźnikową – studium przypadku dolina Wisly i Odry, (Attempt to assess a land cover differential based on a complex, multivariate analysis – case study of the Odra and Vistula river valleys), Prace Komisji Krajobrazowej PTG, (Commission of Culture Countryside Studies, Polish Geographical Society), 9: 41-50.

Gierszewski P., Szmańda J.B., 2007. Grain size composition and sedimentological environments in the Wloclawek Reservoir bottom deposits (Vistula River, Central Poland), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Effects of River Sediments and Channel Processes on Social, Economic and Environmental Safety, 5, Moscow, Russia: 100-108.

Szmańda J.B., 2007. Porównanie interpretacji warunków transportu osadów na diagramie C/M i analizy krzywych kumulacyjnych aluwiów pozakorytowych Wisly w Toruniu, (Grain transport conditions - comparison of interpretation on C/M diagram and analysis on cumulative curve diagram. Case study -overbank alluvia of the Vistula River, Torun, Poland), [in:] Smolska E., Giriat D. (ed.), Rekonstrukcja dynamiki procesów geomorfologicznych – formy rzeźby i osady, Wydz. Geogr. i Stud. Reg. UW, Komitet Badań Czwartorzędu PAN, Warszawa: 367-376.

Gierszewski P., Szmańda J.B., Luc M., 2006. Distribution of the Bottom Deposits and Acumulation Dinamicsin the Wloclawek Reservoir (Cenrtal Poland), WSEAS Journal of Transactions on Environment and Development, 5, 2: 543-549.

Szmańda J.B., 2005. Znaczenie frakcji podstawowych w rozmieszczeniu próbek osadów na diagramie zależności średniej średnicy ziarna i wysortowania, na przykładzie wybranych aluwiów pozakorytowych Wisly, Drwecy i Tazyny (Significance in flood accumulation of origin material and grain transport – case study - overbank deposits from Vistula, Drweca and Tazyna rivers valleys), Prace Geograficzne IGiPZ PAN (Geographical Studies, Institute of Geography, Polish Academy of Science), 30: 329-345.

Szmańda J.B., Oczkowski H.L., Przegiętka K.R., 2004. Age of the Vistula river overbank deposits in Torun, Geochronometria, 23: 35-38.

Dr. Mihály Molnár PhD.

Head of AMS C-14 group of Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies in MTA ATOMKI (Debrecen, Hungary). His special field is application of C-14 isotope in geology, archeology, hydrology and environmental protection. Besides radiocarbon applications they develop new sample preparation and sampling methods. Their Lab uses MICADAS type AMS technique, combined with special gas ion source which gives the possibility of C-14 analyses of samples down to the 0.01 mg size. Web page of HEKAL AMS Lab:

Role in the project
Radiocabon chronometric dating of paleological finding

Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies Institute of Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

H-4026 Debrecen, Bem ter 18/c, Hungary
tel: +36-52-509213 (direct) | fax: +36-52-416181

Related recent publications:

Molnár M, Rinyu L., Janovics R., Major I., Veres M., 2012. Az új debreceni C-14 AMS Laboratórium bemutatása (Introduction of the new AMS C-14 Laboratory in Debrecen). Arceometriai Műhely IX/3, 147-160.

Molnár M., Hertelendi E., Veres M., 2012. Radiokarbon: alkalmazások és perspektívák a környezetvédelemben és az iparban (Radiocarbon: Application and Perspective in Environmental Protection and Industry) (in Hungarian). Magyar Tudomány. February. pp: 152-161.

Molnár M., Hajdas I., Janovics R., Rinyu L., Synal H-A., Veres M., Wacker L., 2013. C-14 analysis of groundwater down to the milliliter level. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 294 pp 573–576, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.03.038

Wacker L., Fahrni S.M., Hajdas I., Molnar M., Synal H.-A., Szidat S., Zhang Y.L., 2013. A versatile gas interface for routine radiocarbon analysis with a gas ion source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 294 pp 315–319, doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2012.02.009

Molnár M, Janovics R, Major I, Orsovszki J, Gönczi R, Veres M, Leonard AG, Castle SM, Lange TE, Wacker L, Hajdas I, Jull AJT. 2013. Status report of the new AMS 14C sample preparation lab of the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (Debrecen, Hungary) Radiocarbon, Vol 55, Nr 2–3, p 665–676

Molnár M, Rinyu L,Veres M, Seiler M, Wacker L, Synal H-A., 2013. EnvironMICADAS: a mini 14C AMS with enhanced Gas Ion Source Interface in the Hertelendi Laboratory of Environmental Studies (HEKAL), Hungary. Radiocarbon, Vol 55, Nr 2–3, p 338–344

Sümegi, P., Magyari, E., Dániel, P., Molnár, M., Törőcsik, T., 2013. Responses of terrestrial ecosystems to Dansgaard–Oeshger cycles and Heinrich-events: a 28,000-year record of environmental changes from SE Hungary. Quaternary International, 293, 34–50.

Mgr. Juraj Holec

Phd student at Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University. His spatial field is morphostructural research of fluvial terrace system on the Western Carpathians Mountains.

Role in the project
Collection of borehole data from Slovak geological survey, creating of their database in GIS collection and help with translation of Slovak literature.

Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University

842 15 Bratislava 4, Mlynská dolina, Slovakia
tel: +421 (02) 602-96-111 (central) | fax: +421 (02) 654-29-064

Related recent publications:

Holec, J., Medveďová, A., Vitovič, L. 2013. GIS analysis of Hron river terraces with regard to Žiarska kotlina basin. Geomorphologia Slovaca et Bohemica, 13, 1.

Holec, J., Bednarik, M., Šabo, M., Minár, J., Yilmaz, I., Marschalko, M. 2013. A small-scale landslide susceptibility assessment for the territory of Western Carpathians. Natural Hazards, 69, 1.

Šabo, M., Minár, J., Holec, J., Žiak, M. 2012. Syntetické hodnotenie vybraných prírodných hrozieb v oblasti Západných Karpát - prvé priblíženie. Geografický časopis, 64, 4. SAV, Bratislava. (Synthetic evaluation of selected natural hazards in the Western Carpathians area – first approximation)

Dr. Sándor Józsa, PhD

Senior research Fellow at Faculty of Science, Eötvös Lóránd University. Magmatic and sedimentary rocks of Carpathian Basin, spatial analysis using petrological microscope.

Role in the project
Determination of suppotitious place and origin of gravels of Late Pleistocene fluvial sediments. Relation of pebbles of study area to Visegrad Gorge and Middle-Hungarian gravel sheets.

Faculty of Science, Eötvös Lóránd University

H-1117. Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A, Hungary
tel: +36 209-0555/8358
web: http:/

Related recent publications:

Szeberényi J, Viczián I, Fábián SzÁ, Józsa S. 2013. The relation of the South-eastern Börzöny Hills to the Visegrad Gorge, Hungary STUDIA GEOMORPHOLOGICA CARPATHO BALCANICA 47:(1) pp. 81-93.

Bradák B, Kiss K, Barta G, Varga Gy, Szeberényi J, Józsa S, Novothny Á, Kovács J, Markó A, Mészáros E, Szalai Z., 2014. Different paleoenvironments of Late Pleistocene age identified in Verőce outcrop, Hungary: preliminary results QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL 319: pp. 119-136.


Nagy S, Józsa S, Gucsik A, Bérczi S, Ninagawa K, Nishido H, Veres M, Kereszturi A, Hargitai H Shock and thermal annealing history of the ALH 77005 Martian meteorite: A micro-Raman spectroscopical investigation CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY 55:(1) pp. 33-48. (2012)