
Staff members - Balázs Szabó

Balázs Szabó

research fellow

Metropolitan and Urbanisation Research GroupóBalázs

 + (36 1) 309 2600 /1469 ext.

Research topics:
Urban geography, urbanisation, housing research, election geography

His main research interests are the changing urban spaces and the socio-spatial differentiation and transformation of metropolitan areas. Much of his research is international and/or comparative in character. A substantive focus in his work is on housing, especially on old and new housing estates and the transforming inner residential zone in Budapest and other post-socialist cities. Besides, he is engaged in researching the residential mobility of population groups and the changing profile of urban neighbourhoods.
He is involved in the research of voting behaviour with special regard to the changing social composition of urban areas and its impact on political behaviour. He is also interested in the spatial aspects of protest movements.

2015 - PhD, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE, Budapest), Geosciences Doctorate School

2003 – MA, Political sciences, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Budapest)
2002 - MSc, Geographer, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE Faculty of Sciences, Budapest)

2020-23 Bolyai Scholarship
2018-19 Eötvös Scholarship (visiting research in LSTC, Vilnius)
2006-2007 Institute of Political History scholarship
2003-2004 Institute of Political History scholarship

Membership and functions in Hungarian and in international scientific organisations, societies:
2016- Member of Scientific Body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS)
2005- Member of the Hungarian Geographical Society

Balázs Szabó - selected publications

Csomós, Gy; Farkas, J Zs; Szabó, B; Bertus, Z; Kovács, Z (2023) Exploring the use and perceptions of inner-city small urban parks: A case study of Budapest, Hungary. URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 86 Paper: 128003 DOI

Maloutas, T; Spyrellis, S-N; Szabó, B; Kovács, Z (2023) Vertical segregation in the apartment blocks of Athens and Budapest: a comparative study. EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES 30:1 pp. 72-90. DOI

Szabó, B; Bene, M (2023) Az 1945 előtt épült budapesti telepek lakáspiaci helyzete. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA 63:4 pp. 492-514. DOI

Egedy, T; Szabó, B; Antypenko, H; Benkő, M (2022) Planning and architecture as determining influences on the housing market: Budapest–Csepel’s post-war housing estates. URBAN PLANNING 7:4 pp. 325-338. DOI

Kovalcsik, Tamás; Szabó, Balázs; VIDA, György; Boros, Lajos (2021) Area-based and dasymetric point allocation interpolation method for spatial modelling micro-scale voter turnout in Budapest. GEOGRAPHIA TECHNICA 16: 1 pp. 67-77. DOI

Kovács, Z; Harangozó, G; Szigeti, C; Koppány, K; Kondor, A Cs; Szabó, B (2020) Measuring the impacts of suburbanization with ecological footprint calculations. CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 101 Paper: 102715 DOI

Szabó, B; Burneika, D (2020) The impact of social structure and physical characteristics on housing estate renovation in postsocialist cities: cases of Vilnius and Budapest. GEOGRAPHIA POLONICA 93:2 pp. 229-244. DOI

Kovács, Z; Farkas, J ZS; Egedy, T; Kondor, A Cs; Szabó, B; Lennert, J; Baka, D; Kohán, B (2019) Urban sprawl and land conversion in post-socialist cities: The case of metropolitan Budapest. CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING 92 pp. 71-81. DOI

Szabó, B; Bene, M (2019) Budapesti lakótelepek a panelprogram előtt és után. TERÜLETI STATISZTIKA 59:5 pp. 526-554.

Balázs Szabó - projects

2020-2024 Opportunities for the development of resource efficient and liveable cities in Hungary (OTKA, K135546)

2016-2020 Challenges of sustainable urban development in Hungary (OTKA, K119710)

2016-2019 NVKP_16_1-2016-0003: Risks of some endocrine disruptors and developments for risk mitigation in Budapest Metropolitan Region (2016-2019),

2013-2015 Spatial pattern of post-socialist urbanisation in Hungary (OTKA, K 105534)

2012 Residential environment in the housing estates in V4 countries and Armenia (Visegrad Fund)

2007-2011 Between Gentrification and Downward Spiral (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

2003-2006 Geographical features of the transformation of housing market in Hungary (OTKA, T042807)

2006-2008 Accommodating Creative Knowledge - Competitiveness of European Metropolitan Regions within the Enlarged Union (Sixth Framework Programme of the EU)